Thursday, September 2, 2010

Homeostasis working hard on the field

Homeostasis, an event occurring in my body every day without me taking a second thought about (or a first for that matter). You see, I have practice for softball pretty much five times out of the week, which involves me running, hitting, jumping, conditioning, and yes, even standing in the sun which hits me right back in the face at about 90 degrees. Sure, I've gotten a good tan out of it, but in order to even be able to stand out there for three hours every day I have to keep hydrated, and make sure that I'm helping my body maintain control to my surroundings. Usually when I begin to sweat I think to myself great, before you know it that will be going into my eye, blinding me. Now that we've been learning about homeostasis though, I've realized that it's just my body cooling me down, and trying to keep my internal environment stable. My body is constantly keeping tract of my outside surroundings and adjusting without me even thinking about it. The body does great such wonders, and learning about homeostasis makes me want to learn more about what could be happening! :)

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